Out at Home: Family Guide to Supporting Teen Sexual Orientation
Sexual orientation can be hard to talk about. Many people find it confusing and potentially complex. For many parents, it’s especially uncomfortable to talk about sexuality with their kids, but small steps go a long way. The team at SARAVYC has designed a resource for East Asian parents as part of our research in tracking […]
“It makes such a difference”: A examination of how LGBTQ youth talk about personal gender pronouns across North America
ABSTRACT Background and purpose: The World Health Organization has developed standards for youth-friendly health services to support adolescents and encourage health care utilization among youth. Necessary building blocks for youth-friendly care include strong interpersonal relationships between youth and health care providers. Nurse practitioners (NPs) may be particularly well positioned to form these relationships. This study […]
Ten-Year Trends in Physical Dating Violence Victimization Among Adolescent Boys and Girls in British Columbia, Canada
Abstract Physical dating violence (PDV) victimization among adolescents is a serious global problem. Although knowledge of trends in PDV victimization can help guide programming and health policies, little research has examined whether the prevalence of PDV victimization has increased, decreased, or remained stable over time among non-U.S.-based samples of youth. In addition, few studies have […]
Why girls choose not to use barriers to prevent STI transmission during female-to-female sex
Abstract Purpose: Using data from a national qualitative study of lesbian, bisexual, and other sexual minority adolescent girls in the U.S., this study examined their awareness of the risk of sexually transmitted infection (STI) and opportunities for barrier use. Methods: Online asynchronous focus groups were conducted with lesbian and bisexual (LB) girls ages 14–18 years. Girls were […]
Sexual behaviors and partner characteristics among lesbian, bisexual, and other sexual minority adolescent women compared to their heterosexual peers
Abstract Purpose: Data suggest that lesbian and bisexual adolescents engage in risky sexual behaviors at higher rates than heterosexual girls. Whether these findings also apply to girls of other sexual identities is less well understood. Potential differences in risky sexual behaviors reported by lesbian versus bisexual adolescents are also underreported in the literature. Methods: Data were collected […]
Adolescent pregnancy among lesbian, gay, and bisexual teens
This chapter focuses on a rarely-explored issue. Most people who think of adolescent pregnancy, assumes it is an issue exclusively among heterosexual youth. After all, pregnancy during the teen years usually requires penile–vaginal intercourse; there are no known countries where clinicians will provide artificial insemination to adolescents wishing to become pregnant, as adult lesbian women […]
Teenagers and texting: Use of a youth ecological momentary assessment system in trajectory health research with Latina adolescents
Abstract Background: Adolescent females send and receive more text messages than any others, with an average of 4050 texts a month. Despite this technological inroad among adolescents, few researchers are utilizing text messaging technology to collect real time, contextualized data. Temporal variables (ie, mood) collected regularly over a period of time could yield useful insights, […]
Multiple perpetrator rape among girls evaluated at a hospital-based Child Advocacy Center: Seven years of reviewed cases
Abstract The aim of this study was to describe contextual events, abuse experiences, and disclosure processes of adolescents who presented to a hospital-based Child Advocacy Center for medical evaluation and evidentiary collection as indicated after experiencing multiple perpetrator rape during a single event (n = 32) and to compare these findings to a group of […]
Restoring Healthy Developmental Trajectories for Sexually Exploited Young Runaway Girls: Fostering Protective Factors and Reducing Risk Behaviors
Abstract Purpose: To examine effects of the Runaway Intervention Program (RIP), a strengths-based home visiting, case management, and group support program for sexually assaulted or exploited young runaway girls; staffed by advanced-practice nurses, RIP aims to restore healthy developmental trajectories by reestablishing protective factors, reducing trauma responses, and lowering risk behaviors that are common sequelae of sexual violence. Methods: Quasi-experimental study of […]