“That’s What I Wish I Could Talk to my Doctor About!”: Young People and Sexual Pleasure [abstract]
Purpose: In spite of research showing that young people want their family doctors to help educate them about sexual health, clinicians are not likely to provide this type of counselling. Clinical conversations often emphasize the risks of sexual activity, and in many regards, this emphasis is well placed. However, research demonstrates that a singular focus on […]
Enacted stigma and HIV risk behaviours among sexual minority indigenous youth in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States
Abstract Enacted stigma has been linked to increased HIV risk behaviours among sexual minority youth, but despite higher rates of HIV and other STIs, there is very little research with Indigenous youth. In this study, secondary analyses of three population-based, school surveys were conducted to explore the associations between HIV risk and enacted stigma among […]
Health for the World’s Adolescents: A Second Chance in the Second Decade of Life
The achievements since the 1989 World Health Assembly Resolution on the health of adolescents underpin this report. It synthesizes the progress made and the many lessons learned about rectifying the misconceptions about adolescent health, developing consensus on core indicators, better analysing the available data, strengthening the evidence base for effective interventions across a range of […]
From Hastings Street to Haida Gwaii: Provincial results of the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey
The 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey was administered to almost 30,000 public school students across the province. It provides a comprehensive look at the health of youth aged 12–19. This is the fifth time students have been asked to complete the survey since 1992, and the regional coverage was the highest yet. Fifty-six of the […]
Promoting positive mental health: risk and protective factors for youth who experienced physical and sexual abuse [abstract]
Abstract Background: Sexual abuse and physical abuse are risk factors for a trajectory of poor mental health. Purpose: To identify specific risk and protective factors associated with mental health for male and female youth who have experienced physical and sexual abuse. Study/Intervention Design: A mixed methods study using data from the 2008 BC Adolescent Health Survey (AHS) and from 617 […]
Substance Use and Sexual Orientation among East and Southeast Asian Adolescents in Canada
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between substance use and sexual orientation among Asian adolescents in Canada. We analyzed an East- and Southeast-Asian subsample of a province-wide, school-based survey (weighted N = 51,349). Compared to heterosexual adolescents of the same gender, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and mostly heterosexual adolescents were more likely to use […]