Not Yet Equal (the Sequel): Results of the BC Adolescent Health Survey
Not Yet Equal (the Sequel): Results of the BC Adolescent Health Survey provides a profile of the health LGBTQ youth in British Columbia (BC). The report is a collaboration between researchers at SARAVYC and the McCreary Centre Society and uses data from the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey (BC AHS), which is one of the […]
LGBTQ+ Students in Ontario: 12 Evidence-Based Facts
This fact sheet presents research findings about 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and their cisgender and heterosexual peers in Ontario, Canada, and beyond.
LGBTQ+ Students in Alberta: 12 Evidence-Based Facts
This fact sheet presents research findings about 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and their cisgender and heterosexual peers in Alberta, Canada, and beyond.
LGBTQ+ Students in British Columbia: 12 Evidence-Based Facts
This fact sheet presents research findings about 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and their cisgender and heterosexual peers in British Columbia, Canada, and beyond.
Come Along With Me: Linking LGBTQ Youth To Supportive Resources
Abstract In this study, we examine how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth, who tend to experience greater feelings of isolation and discrimination than heterosexual youth, find and become integrated into supportive activities and resources. As part of a larger study on supportive lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth environments, 66 go-along […]
Being Safe, Being Me in British Columbia: Results of the Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey
The Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey was a national online survey conducted by researchers from several Canadian universities and community organizations. The survey included somewhat different questions for younger (14-18 years) and older (19-25 years) trans youth about a wide range of life experiences and behaviours that influence young people’s health. This report is focused […]
Being Safe, Being Me in the Atlantic Provinces: Results of the Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey
The Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey was a national online survey conducted by researchers from several Canadian universities and community organizations. This report specifically examines trans youth located in the Atlantic Provinces. The survey included 122 participants from the Atlantic Provinces and used somewhat different questions for younger (14-18 years) and older (19-25 years) trans […]
Are we leveling the playing field? Trends and disparities in sports participation among sexual minority youth in Canada
Abstract Purpose: Sports participation and physical fitness are widely beneficial for young people, yet activity levels among young people are declining. Despite growing popular media attention on the participation of sexual minority (e.g., lesbian, gay, and bisexual) youth in sports and various campaigns to improve the often homophobic climate of sports, there is limited evidence that […]
Being Safe, Being Me in the Prairie Provinces: Results of the Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey in Saskatchewan & Manitoba
This regional report is a part of a larger project, The Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey. Researchers from universities and other organizations in Canada created the survey, which was administered online to 923 participants across Canada, with 67 respondents coming from the Prairie Provinces (Saskatchewan & Manitoba). Two different surveys were distributed: one to younger […]